
Showing posts from February, 2020

More than Kungfu

On last Friday i was watching my son doing is pitching baseball camp.The instructor was given them advice and i really thought he was a sifu.He was talking about positions of the body and me hearing the 6 harmony !kung fu is everywhere and everything can be apply and helpful in different part of your life .The base is fundamental!
For some people ,change can be scary -this seems to apply less to Children,with few exceptions.Children are much more adaptable.They don’t analyze has the situation like adults do.We all encounter challenging situations at some point in our life but it s important to reach out for help or gather more information when you are struggling.Overthinking can be your worst enemy.It s set you up for failure because your thoughts become scattered and it allows negativity to take over,draining your energy.It s easy to become frustrated,especially if the challenging situation come as a surprise and you weren’t able to prepare for it,you are now push outside your comfort zone.There is a danger in routine,it can result in lack of flexibility and create anxiety when your routine is disrupted.Kunfu has shown me it is more than a lifestyle learned in class.IT s helpful when applied to and adapt for real life.It doesn’t mean the strategy will always work,it might take a few different approaches to get ...

Red flags

The past 2 weeks i have been struggling with my intent and keeping my focus.I noticed i am the bull seeing the red flag.I learned about myself that i am impulsive with the pad while doing the drill of sparring then loosing control.Sifu Csillag mentions vocabulary of motion and i have been thinking a lot about it !I need to take a notche down and review my a-b-c !I am self aware of my triggers and need to stop skipping step.I found easier to understand the principles of the technology than the application when you didn’t apply the self control of your actions.


Lately i have been training with different partners in class.I had to slow down to help them but finally is them who help me .At first my intent was to give my level 10 and go hard but at the end i found very difficult to slow down due i didn’t change my intent!Now i realized i was out of breath and i should have focus on my breathing and technique rather the speed and force.