
Showing posts from May, 2021

The power of words

 Recently i was asked to reflect on my training and validate my feelings in regards to why i feel not doing well.It s amazing that simple words can hold such power and how you can push yourself to see things differently.knowing someone views you positively helps but only if you reflect on the why.I have been struggling with mindful training and have doubt about my progression.I failed to incorporate the changes due to the pandemic and alter my expectations accordingly without bringing myself down.what i want doesn’t match reality at this time.

My want /my need

 We all want something but where our need stand if we follow our want.He can be a fine line by pushing ourselves to achieve it than listening .Your guts will tell you if it s a reason or excuses .Honesty is the key!

How i am doing

On every situation good or bad we can learn something but sometimes we can’t due we are blindsided on one way to see things or be influenced by what we heard.I can’t cut the information coming from my work but i can definitely choose to deal has they come and not feed the unknown but react when things happened .My engagement has been better this year .I took some step back ,not training mindfully but yet i still feeling going forward.My kids have been also learning so much this year !why that’s.the answer is easy we have been using the tool offering to us!The Tiger challenge couldn’t come at the better time !I am a nice competitive person and giving me a reset mind !!My kids will be home too and last time they had to do home school we had lots of training done !